Wall of Hope
My Grandmother had dementia and would sometimes forget who I was when I visited. This was my inspiration when I was directing ‘1000 Paper Cranes’. Those were definitely challenging times, but our family and relatives stayed strong, because behind every dark cloud is a silver lining. Stay positive!
Hang in there. Good days are not limited.
Everyone deserves a meaningful, respectable life. Be aware, and learn to pick up home-care tips to support our aging parents. Make their lives fulfilling with your love. Thanks to all the healthcare staff, caregivers and volunteers for their support towards persons living with dementia. You guys are heroes. Salute! ❤️
Everyone is beautiful in their own way. ❤️❤️
Never give up!
All the best!
Caring for someone with dementia is challenging. To all the caregivers out there, you’re not alone in this caregiving journey. Do seek help when required. Do remember to practise self-care and recharge.
Be patient and respect people with dementia.
We are here to help you, guide you, and bring you safely from wherever you are to wherever you need to go.
Love and care are key values of life.
Keep well! Trust in the Lord! He is Love!
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, I hope we can slow down as a society for those who need our care and support.
We do not wish to be like this (to have dementia), but we hope that the community can really understand and support us in every way… Be nice ❤️
Be strong and courageous. You are not alone.
Stay safe and healthy.
You’re not alone.
Never give up as we journey with our loved ones through their dementia. Ganbatte! Thank you Dementia Singapore for supporting us in this journey! 😊
I hope that society would be more understanding towards people with dementia instead of judging them, and get to know them better before jumping to conclusions.
May we all treat one another with kindness and patience.
Exercise regularly, both mentally and physically, to keep dementia away 💪🏼👍🏼
If you care for and love the person living with dementia, it can be extremely rewarding and although it may not be obvious, your loved one is still there to make a difference in your life. Treat them as you would any other human. Please stay safe and healthy…
Pray and hope those with dementia will get better with care and love from their caregivers and from the community as well.
Be strong and look ahead. Don’t lose hope. Seek help if you need to.
All the best.
May you be blessed in your caregiving journey! Know that you are never alone.
Never lose hope 🙏 Keep fighting & be strong 🙏
To all those impacted by dementia, stay strong and remember that you are never alone.
There is always hope to get better with your loved ones around you. Stay healthy and strong.
Hope is for everyone – never stop hoping!
May God’s peace and hope guard your hearts, mind, & body. Press on!
We do what we can and learn to accept that we cannot do everything ourselves.
The road ahead may be challenging, but we are all here to show our support to you and your caregivers.
You’ll always and forever be remembered by us ❤️
Supporting those living with dementia, hoping they get to enjoy the days even as their memories fade. Hoping they have a reliable caregiver and support to go about their daily activities.
My siblings are walking to support the Walk2Remember 2022 and our wish is one day, we will be able to remove the stigma associated with dementia as a society.
Wish for better health and healthcare for all. Stay strong 💪
Thank you for your contributions… let us take care of you. 💕💕
Let there be joy and hope for a better tomorrow. May our world be filled with kindness and I pledge to offer a hand to persons with dementia whenever needed. <3
I pledge to help all the people I see, no matter their age, ethnicity, race or religion.
May those with dementia and their caregivers continue to persevere and press on <3
Please stay strong, brave & happy. ❤️
Stay strong, and I hope that things get better for everyone!
hello! hope you are feeling okay right now. please take care and smile! sending you love and hope <33
I hope you don’t feel shy to ask for assistance when you lose your way. I hope that you’ll forever know that we, as a society, do care, and many are willing to give a helping hand should you ever need it. 💓
Hope you’re happy.
Sending love to all. Embrace dementia and continue to have hope. Let’s all live our lives to the fullest.
May you be blessed with the strength to overcome challenges in life and I hope that the support from your friends, family and community will guide you through your life journey.
I hope they will still find joy and happiness in life. I hope for everyone to be kinder and more understanding towards them and help them as much as possible 🙂
To those with dementia now, I hope you pull through this and remain as happy and cheerful as before! To those helping those with dementia, you are doing a wonderful job and hope you continue to find meaning in what you do for them!!
You’re not in this alone! Don’t give up! Have HOPE! ❤️❤️
I hope that both persons with dementia and their loved ones will not give up hope. The road to recovery may be extremely challenging, but we should not stop ourselves from staying positive! Fighting!
Hope we can get more help and more understanding and have more empathy for people with dementia.
Having faith
Offering of self
Positive mindset
Empathy and compassion
Namu Shinnyo (to be one with our true selves)
I hope we always empathise and listen to each other’s stories, experiences and needs. Sometimes all we need is someone to listen and to know that we are supported & loved unconditionally. Here’s to a more dementia-friendly society. 🤍
Never lose hope! Stay strong!
I wish you happiness and peace.
Getting dementia must be daunting but we must remember that it is not the end! Despite dementia, there are still many things you can do, and you should never let your illnesses define you.
Love and kisses
Look up to enjoy the skies and nature. It’s okay to pause and take a break if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
We are always here to support you, and hope you have an amazing year ahead. ❤️
Hey! I hope that all of you are doing well, and living happy lives as best as you can <3 Know that your dementia does not define you, and I hope that you are able to feel the warmth and care that the community has, in support of you. Wishing you joy, prosperity, and endless love!
I believe one day there will be a cure for dementia; till then, live well and do not lose hope!! The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.
May there be more strength and hope to this community. Love, care, and empathy will go a long way in making this a dementia-friendly society.
To all caregivers: the task could be daunting, the future may look bleak. But embrace each day and each change. You will gain more appreciation of life and treasure each moment with your loved ones!
Dear Pa and friends, you may forget how good you are, but we remember, and are grateful to have you. Wish that your every new day is filled with joy and smiles. Dear Ma and all the patient caregivers, GBU (God bless you) always with abundant love and beautiful days. Thank you for being there with your love.
The loss, you never asked. The unknown, you never sought. Stay strong, and may the memories remain in the heart of your loved ones. The chosen ones are strong indeed… DON’T WORRY ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU. Stay strong.
Stay strong for your loved ones…
You will never be alone and we will remember you always, despite any circumstances. God loves you!
Love to all persons with dementia and caregivers – stay strong!
I believe that there are many wonderful people around, who are putting in a lot of effort to help people affected by dementia. Stay strong!
One step at a time. Things will get better 🙂 …
Hope to be your ‘voices’ and ‘ears’ as we embrace and empathise with you. To always be mindful as we (Speak Up) encourage each other to work towards a inclusive community – to keep a lookout for You (Keep Fighting & Be Safe) & to also support your Caregivers (Be Strong & Do Take Time Off For Yourself). 🤓CheeRz:)
Our loved ones are always there to accompany us on this journey.
Wishing you a fulfilling and enriched life ahead.
Kindness always comes back around.
Never lose hope and live life to the fullest, regardless of any challenges!
To those who are living with dementia: do not stop enjoying life to the fullest. Keep it up. Don’t limit yourself.
Stay strong; stay healthy and happy forever. Believe in yourself. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😇
The best is yet to come. Be strong and courageous.
Take care.
We leave no one behind.
You will get through this. I love caring for persons with dementia, as I learn something new every day. Live your life like each day is your last.
Better health for everyone!
May all of us learn about dementia and make our society more inclusive, just as people with disabilities are also part of our society.
Cherish life and it’s memories.
You’ve been so strong; hang in there!
Wishing for improved public awareness to reduce the stigma of dementia, as well as increased community support for those with dementia and their caregivers. #CranesForDementia
Stay strong. We are supporting you all the way.
You are not forgotten. 💕💕
You are not alone. There’s always support for you.
Do not give up on life. Keep fighting!!
‘Hope’ is the word that always remains forever. Stay strong. Don’t give up.
Never give up!
Wishing everyone a good and happiness-filled life!
Wish our society embraces and accepts all those living with dementia who need all our care and support, and for the government to introduce and reinforce the basics and meaning of dementia to more people.
Never give up!
We are here for you.
You can overcome every obstacle!
It is not easy to take care of someone with dementia, especially your loved one, knowing that they are slowly forgetting you. But remember there is help out there for you.
You may forget, but you are never forgotten by your loved ones and the community! We love you just the way you are. 💗💗
You are loved beyond measure. 💛💛💛
Dementia is not the end of the world; let us face it together. Together we can make the world a better place! 加油!
We care; that’s why we are here, and you are not alone ! #YNWA
Dementia is not a disease or disability… so let’s accept it and learn to live with it.
You are loved.
Stay optimistic!
I hope we can all progressively work on creating a better mindset for a healthier ageing! 🙂 Let’s keep on fighting!
Stay strong, stay hopeful.
We can do this together. #fighting
Dementia has physical, psychological, social and economic impacts on people living with dementia, as well as their caregivers, families, and society at large. I pledge to do my part to raise dementia awareness, as well as work with the community towards a dementia-friendly Singapore.
Accept the change and cope with the change.

Hang in there, and NEVER GIVE UP!
I hope that we become more inclusive by being open and honest with our feelings, hopes, pain and disappointments especially for persons with dementia and their caregivers, and that we can be more understanding and accepting!
Be hopeful, happy, and live each day to the fullest! 😊
Everyone is unique in their own way no matter what happens. Stay happy and healthy!
Let us live with hope and grace, and combat dementia. Live in the shoes of persons with dementia and walk their lives with them.
Don’t be afraid to seek help, and be strong to fight dementia. Your loved ones are always there to support and guide you.
To my mum: It’s ok that you’ve forgotten the past. The most important thing is that you are now happy and healthy. 🙂🙏
God Bless You!
Having seen the effects of dementia personally, I understand the difficulty it poses to the person [living with dementia] and the people around them. It is sad, but know that you are not alone; be strong, be healthy, and we all stand with you.
We live life as best as we can. Fearing nothing and expecting nothing. Be happy, be at peace, be compassionate, be supportive, be the best that you can be.
Let there be more kindness, hope and joy for a better tomorrow.
Keep up the spirit.
爱心的对待失智症患者,了解了大脑和失智症的原因,耐心善待患者并给予支持。 (Treat persons with dementia with love, understand the brain and the causes of dementia, treat persons with dementia with patience, and provide them with encouragement and support.)
You’re amazing.
Hope everyone is kind to the ones fighting the battle. The love will never be forgotten even when they don’t remember anymore.
Stay strong and healthy!
Continue to tell your stories. Over and over again.
Hi Lovelies, you are blessed with lots of love all around you, so eat well, sleep well always and live every day to your fullest! I have a 91-year-old grandmother who has dementia. She enjoys listening to music, looking out the window (people-watching) and eating local food. You’ll never be alone!
Dementia is a silent battle not just faced by the ageing population, but also impacts the millennials, regardless of gender, area, religion, etc. Singapore has the highest population of dementia cases. I pledge to show these people love, compassion, and I hope for their inclusion within this community. #CranesForDementia
It’s tough now, but I believe that there is a brighter future waiting for you. You’ll get through this! In case no one said it yet today, you’re great!
You are a gift to this world, and the happiness you share to others radiates like the morning sun 🙂 <3
Never give up hope.
May there be new medicines that can prevent the onset of dementia, and enhance the quality of life of the individual and caregiver.
I hope everyone doesn’t feel discouraged and can happily and safely continue their day-to-day activities despite the adjustments. Take one day at a time. Sending love and hugs for the community!
We do not remember days, we remember moments.
We care, so we are here.
Wishing hope and happiness for the dementia community. Never give up!
Love bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes for all things,
Endures all things.
We love you and you are who you are!
Control the controllable. Let go of the rest. Appreciate the moments and memories created.
To families coping with loved ones with Dementia – your efforts, love and support for your loved ones are not forgotten. We may not be there, but you do not walk alone. Always reach out if you get disheartened on some days. May strength, happiness and love be with you always.
You are the lighthouse and shelter for those in need. Do take breaks at times to recharge and continue the long road ahead.
You are not alone! Jia you!
Love, care, understanding and patience. Together, towards a better ‘Every Day’.
While the past is worth remembering, let’s also cherish every moment that we have today.
Embrace every day. Stay strong.
Although we still have not identified the root course of dementia… As long as we start to care for ourselves, this will manage our mind, body and spirit, and we should be proud of doing what we can… Also, I encourage us to start this “self-care” as early as possible. Stay healthy. 🙏
It is ok to make mistakes. Being human means being imperfect. Accept that there will be moments you wish you could do over and other moments when you have sufficient patience to make wise decisions. Don’t forget to take care of yourself ❤️
Be strong, stay positive. We are here to support you!
“However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there’s life, there’s hope” – Stephen Hawking
The love, care and passion you have contributed to your loved ones’ well-being will forever be remembered and not forgotten. Our hearts are with you! Thank you for your kind souls!
To caregivers, you probably do not realise your level of patience, understanding and creativity till now. You’re a hero, keep it up! To persons with Dementia, you’re unique, you are you & you are loved no matter what.
Support from family and friends will carry you through. Don’t give up, caregivers!
The most beautiful thing you can wear is bravery with confidence. No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
You’re not alone, there are many people around you to help you in your fight with dementia!
Get well soon. We will always take care of you.
Never give up! Always press on! You can do it! 💪
Sending my prayers and support for those who have dementia and to their caregivers.
Don’t be afraid. No matter what, you are not alone in this. Have faith and hope <3
I wish for a more aware society so when we see someone looking lost or confused we will not be too quick to judge them as ‘crazy’.
Always be Hopeful because Good things do Happen! GOGO! 😀
#SupportDementia #CranesForDementia #WorldAlzheimersMonth
Be strong and happy every day, for this is the very essence of living. God bless.
Never stop believing in Hope as Miracles happen every day!
May you be relieved of all your worries and embrace all the goodness that has been invoked. One day at a time with a big and open heart 🙂
Wish all of us can contribute towards building a more caring and inclusive society. To all caregivers, we will always be your support.
Life is beautiful. Be happy and cheerful always. When dreams become reality.
Wishing all healthy and happy 🥰
You are not alone. There’s a lot of love and caring people to back you up.
Prayers and blessings for all – my heart is with you.
Dementia is not scary. It is people’s attitudes towards dementia that saddens me. Let us build a Dementia-Friendly Community. Together we care. 💕
Pledging my support for the dementia community. We are not alone. #CranesForDementia
Let go of the past, and enjoy each day as it is.
You may slowly forget everything but the love never changes.
Kudos to all the caregivers who are selflessly taking care of their loved ones.
Just remember, you are not alone!
I hope for Singaporeans to be well aware of Dementia and be able to understand it. A person with Dementia can be just like a baby; confused and frustrated.
You are not alone; we will walk this journey together.
You are wonderful, and our thoughts are with you! Fighting! With lots of love!
Don’t forget to remember.
You are all beautiful!
Having a mum with mild dementia, I would like to say to the rest who have their loved ones going through severe dementia, that I really look up to you for your strength, courage and love which keeps you going stronger each day. Here’s to another group of silent heroes unseen and unheard.
As you displayed more child-like behaviours, you have blessed me with the opportunity to give back what you gave me when I was born. Today, I celebrate the child in you.
Keep it up buddy… We are a family.
Sharing is caring.
Stay strong and happy always 🙂
It’s tough but we’ll get through it together hand in hand! Don’t give up hope!
Press on. The road is long but you can do it!
Rodney 💕 has Alzheimer’s Disease, and I am his care partner. 🌷🌷🌷 Our wish for all of us experiencing and living with dementia is to keep strong and walk forward to live the best lives you want for yourselves. Our prayers 🙏 to all care partners and to everyone supporting this journey. You are not alone. 🙏🌷
Caregivers, I hope your love for your loved ones will give you additional strength and patience as you care for them, and I hope that as those living with Alzheimer’s Disease receive love and care, they can feel it and be comforted.
We are one big community and we ought to learn to accept and support anyone living with the condition. Gather your courage to help anyone, anywhere, who requires assistance. It is your little smile or small act of kindness that brings hope to many. You are not alone – your HOPE is us!
My hope is that each of us becomes more aware about dementia and of how we can all do our part to help those around us living with the condition!
Here’s to building an inclusive SG together!
It is okay if you cannot remember. Do not be afraid; I will always be there for you!
Hope ➡️ Never give up ➡️ You’re not alone ➡️ 🌈
Let us walk this journey together. Caring for persons living with dementia is never easy. With love and good community resources, we can find effective ways to cope! 我们要加油!
Here is a virtual paper crane to all the caregivers and people living with dementia. 🙂
Let go of old memories and create new ones.
Remember: You are loved. You are worth it.
Caregiving is a journey and I am glad Dementia Singapore is walking alongside us!
I hope all of our elderly (including my dad) will be happy and healthy.
Don’t lose hope and don’t grieve. When days are tough, remember that God’s grace is always with us. Hang in there.
Persons with dementia can still live fulfilling lives!
It is time for us to take care of you.
I hope you will remember your beautiful memories or find a way to capture beautiful moments with your loved ones so it reminds you of all the happy times.
I hope that elderly with dementia can have more engaging activities, so as to live a more fulfilling and happier life despite having this debilitating condition. Society should have more awareness and there will hopefully be more government funding and resources in the near future.
When I’m not able to remember, will you remember?
When I’m not able to walk, will you help me?
When I’m not able to speak, will you speak for me?
When I lose control of my urine and bowel, will you change diaper for me?
When I lose my temper, will you forgive me?
May all caregivers and elderly be happy!
We are called to be understanding and we should extend a helping hand when needed!
I am still me. I still care, and I want to know that you are happy and looked after. Continue to share with me your fears, your anguish, your joy and your excitement.
Do not ask me to remember. Instead, remember for me. Love the New Me. Hold space for me. Hold me as often as I wish to hold you.
Jia you!
To our dearest caregivers, you are doing a wonderful job. Love you guys! Fighting, 加油, you are not alone! Whoever you are, stay healthy, stay happy!
Always remember: You are not alone!
You are not alone; Jesus loves you! 你不孤单; 耶稣爱你! ❤️
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
We see you for who you are. We love it when you tell us exciting stories of yesteryear and share your experiences with us. Rickshaws in Singapore, your favourite countries to visit, and even tips on travelling across Europe on a student budget … there is so much to hear and learn from you. 🌻
Memories may fade, but our love is always there and can always be felt! Let us warm the hearts of all the people with dementia and their caregivers with lots of support and encouragement! ❤️❤️❤️
Dear care partners, we are with you, walking next to you on your journey. We feel your story; we are learning from you, and supporting you when you need us to – you inspire us! 🤍 ✨
be happy and love yourself ❤️
Everyday is a new day, and every step we take is to journey forward on a new path, one day at a time. With HOPE, LOVE and SUPPORT, our paths are brighter.
You are never alone. We’ll hold your hands in your life journey to the very last!
You are loved. We will always stand by you and with you! 💜
I want to live in a world where a person’s voice is not silenced because of how society perceives them or their condition. Let’s do away with labels entirely and remember that we’re all HUMANS first.
To my husband: You may not remember all our good times and memories together; regardless of your condition, I will do my best to take care of you till death do us part. As we always say to each other: “IT’S ONLY YOU & ME”.
I hope for People with Dementia to lead meaningful and happy lives. And for the cure of dementia to be discovered early so more lives can be spared the agony and loss associated with it.
Jesus loves you! You are a very precious child of God. 💗
That each one of you will continue to live a life of dignity and joy 🥰.
To all caregivers, stay strong even when the journey gets tough! We stand with you and your loved ones with dementia!
It is not an easy journey for persons with dementia and their families. Hoping for a more compassionate and friendly society to create more understanding, love and support for them.
The past may be forgotten,
The person may be lost.
Do not despair.
Love is all around,
As we all care.
Let’s spread our love to everyone. Hope our community will get more dementia-friendly and we must make this come true for our loved ones!
A caring community for persons with dementia and their caregivers. Where work and play intersect, and life is as close to normal as it can be.
May new breakthroughs be made and may more support be given to the tireless caregivers. It is never easy—take it one step at a time! 加油!
Wishing that everyone stays healthy and happy!
Throughout the path of life, learn to give time to yourself, appreciate your family and friends, and reach out within our community. It only takes a little to stop and say “Hi”, but it will mean much to persons with dementia and their caregivers that you CARE.
Despite Dementia, the road ahead is still full of hope.
Hope more people are aware and will be patient and helpful towards persons living with dementia.
I pray that every person living with dementia will receive the care and respect they deserve. I am thankful for the support and well-wishes received from family, friends and community service providers. Let us reach out to the caregivers as well. Things may be tough but no one has to walk alone.
Persons with dementia should continue to keep active with activities and exercises! Do not lose hope, because there is much more to life (than the diagnosis of dementia)! YOU CAN DO IT! <3
Persons with dementia can continue to live their lives as per normal, supported by their loved ones. They should continue to enjoy their lives, living every day to the fullest! <3
Well-wishes for the dementia community and kudos to their caregivers!
Hope that the community will respect people living with dementia and offer more tender loving care.
Sending love, strength and prayers to all in the community.
I wish, for the society to not see me merely as someone with a disease. I wish, that you see the person in me. I am but like any of you—a living and breathing human being. So may the society continue to see all of us, as who we are, beyond what the disease means.
May you continue to live well despite dementia. Even if the condition robs you of your memory, your very own spirit and love continues to persist. Your mere presence means more than anything.
Wishing that all persons with dementia continue leading healthy and empowered lives, with Singapore building up our resources to become a top-tier dementia-friendly and inclusive society!
Let’s continue to be KIND to those impacted by dementia, or anyone in need. Your kindness can make a difference.
My grandmother was diagnosed with dementia (she has since passed on) and I wish I was better equipped with dementia knowledge back then. I pledge to be empathetic to those around me and offer a helping hand when the need arises.
Stay strong!
It’s okay if you have no memories of events or people. Even if you can’t remember us, we will always remember you. You will never walk alone! You are always treasured and loved by us. Keep smiling!
We are always there for all of you.
“Persons living with dementia are usually capable of more than we can imagine.” — Bob DeMarco
Let us continue to support families impacted by dementia.
Here’s to an empathetic and compassionate Singapore that supports caregivers and people with dementia every step of the way!
I hope for a society that sees beyond the condition of a person with dementia and values them as individuals with their own interests and purpose.
My hope is to live in a world free of stigma and labels on people with dementia!
May you tell the story of the mountains you climbed. May the wisdom you gather help others survive.
Even in this season of change you are still growing and you will be able to find peace in the midst of uncertainty.
Despite the unknowns, the ground beneath you is still steady and the sky is wide with hope above you.
Please show more love and patience to persons with dementia. We should engage our close ones who have dementia and care for them with compassion and love.
My mom has dementia without medication for years. It was her decision not to have medication. The journey has never been easy. Nevertheless, we accept who she is and just go with the way she lives, and continue to love her for who she is now.
May we become a a supportive and dementia-friendly society that empowers the dementia community to live with dignity #despitedementia!
We hope for a society that embraces and supports persons with dementia and their families. Here’s to a dementia-inclusive Singapore!