Reminiscence Arts for Dementia

Reminiscence Arts for Dementia is a facilitated learning journey which prepares learners to conduct small-group interactive reminiscence arts sessions for persons living with dementia using objects, storytelling, and artwork materials.

This blended course aims to enable individuals to lead activities that incorporate reminiscence elements using arts and artefacts to create meaningful interaction with persons living with dementia.  The objective of reminiscence is to improve mood, encourage communication and empower persons living with dementia to express themselves through a range of art mediums, providing various modes of stimulation and deepening levels of engagement.

Learners must complete self-paced e-learning modules before attending classroom training sessions to fully appreciate the learning activities in class.

E-learning Classroom Facilitation
  • Psychological Needs of Persons Living with Dementia
  • Effective Communication with the Person Living with dementia
  • Reminiscence and the Arts for Persons Living with Dementia
  • Ways to Facilitate Reminiscence
  • Reminiscence Arts for Dementia (1-day, 9am-5pm)


  • Recognise the principles of person centred care

  • Select appropriate communication strategies to create meaningful interactions with persons with dementia

  • Appreciate the value of reminiscence in bridging relationships with persons with dementia

  • Use artefacts to prompt meaningful conversations

  • Demonstrate best practices when facilitating group activity sessions

Who Should Attend Volunteers, befrienders, family caregivers who conduct activity programmes for persons living with dementia.
Date 12 September 2025 (register by 28 August)
Time 9am – 5pm
Venue Dementia Singapore Academy
20 Bendemeer Road, #01-02, BS Bendemeer Centre, Singapore 339914


Full Fee
(before GST)
NSA subsidised fee for Singaporeans & PR aged 50 and above
(with GST)
$215 $62.35

The course is SkillsFuture credit eligible

Application Procedure


For enquiry, please email us at [email protected].

As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape. Make a contribution now.
As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape.
Make a contribution now.