All You Need to Know: Our Move to Dementia Singapore

Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA) will officially complete our migration to Dementia Singapore Ltd (DSG) come 1st September 2021. In this FAQ, we provide all the answers you need to know about our move.

Why is ADA changing to DSG?

After spending more than 30 years serving the dementia community, ADA has been expanding our services in dementia care. With the broadening scope of work, DSG will better represent what we do. This will place us in a better position to move forward.

The new organisation name will position our organisation to be the national leader in dementia who drives conversations and sparks initiatives that make a difference to the lives of people living with dementia and their caregivers.

The name Dementia Singapore represents more accurately our area of work as we have been frequently mistaken for only supporting people with Alzheimer’s Disease. In truth, we support people living with a wide spectrum of dementia.  Alzheimer’s Disease is just one of them.

DSG shares the vision of ADA. It remains unchanged. We are still working towards a dementia-inclusive society, with the mission to improve the wellbeing of people impacted by dementia through Care Innovation, Advocacy and Empowerment.

What are the changes?

A new legal entity, “Dementia Singapore Ltd”, has been incorporated in April 2021 to take over the operations of ADA. It will officially be effective on 1st September 2021.

The UEN for Dementia Singapore is 202111519K, and we have adopted DSG as our official abbreviation.

Currently, ADA is a Society.  DSG is a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG). A CLG is a legal structure introduced by the Singapore Government in recent years to be primarily used for non-profit organisations like ours.

Just like ADA, DSG is registered as a Charity and Institution of a Public Character (IPC). Hence, there would be no change to all our charitable work.

All our services and operations will continue without any disruption.

What are the differences between a Society and CLG?

  • A society is defined as a club, company, partnership or association of 10 or more persons, whatever its nature or objective, and not already registered under any other law.
  • Society is suitable for membership or volunteer based groups, especially smaller groups with strong community links and not heavily dependent on donations and external funding.
  • Does not enjoy a separate legal identity status thus members are personally exposed to liability issues.
  • A public company limited by guarantee (CLG) is one which carries out non-profit making activities that have some basis of national or public interest, such as for promoting arts, charity etc.
  • The CLG has no share capital.
  • A CLG has members, rather than shareholders. The members of the company guarantee/undertake to contribute a predetermined sum to the liabilities of the company which becomes due, in the event of the company being wound up.
  • A CLG is a legal entity which exists in its own right in the eyes of the law, separate and distinct from the individuals who are involved in it. A company is like a person in law. It can sue, or to be sued, in its own name; it can enter into contracts, and can own property all in its own name.

  • A society is defined as a club, company, partnership or association of 10 or more persons, whatever its nature or objective, and not already registered under any other law.
  • Society is suitable for membership or volunteer based groups, especially smaller groups with strong community links and not heavily dependent on donations and external funding.
  • Does not enjoy a separate legal identity status thus members are personally exposed to liability issues.
  • A public company limited by guarantee (CLG) is one which carries out non-profit making activities that have some basis of national or public interest, such as for promoting arts, charity etc.
  • The CLG has no share capital.
  • A CLG has members, rather than shareholders. The members of the company guarantee/undertake to contribute a predetermined sum to the liabilities of the company which becomes due, in the event of the company being wound up.
  • A CLG is a legal entity which exists in its own right in the eyes of the law, separate and distinct from the individuals who are involved in it. A company is like a person in law. It can sue, or to be sued, in its own name; it can enter into contracts, and can own property all in its own name.

What does this change mean to you?

Is there any change to the programmes and services I’m attending?

No. All the programmes and services that you’ve been enjoying at ADA remains unchanged. All our services and operations will continue at the same venues without any disruptions.


Is there any change to the billing process?

The is no change to the current billing process except the following:

  • From 1st September 2021, all invoices will be issued in the name of Dementia Singapore Ltd for services rendered.
  • For payment to DSG, a new bank account in the name of Dementia Singapore Ltd will be set up to receive payment from clients.
  • For cheques issued to DSG, the payee’s name will be Dementia Singapore Ltd.
  • For payment via PayNow, a new QR Code for Dementia Singapore Ltd will be set up to receive payments from clients.


What will happen to my personal data?

All your personal data will be migrated from ADA to DSG. We will send a notification to you before 1st September 2021.

We want to assure all persons with dementia and caregivers that DSG continues to put in place all necessary measures to keep your personal data safe and to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act.


Will the helpline and contact information be changed?

Our dementia helpline remains at 6377 0700 and its operating hours remain unchanged (Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm).

However, for email enquiries, please write to [email protected]

Do bookmark our new website for more information about Dementia Singapore.

Is there any change to the programmes and services that DSG is providing?

No. All the programmes and services that our beneficiaries have been enjoying at ADA remains unchanged. All our services and operations will continue at the same venues without any disruptions.


How will that impact the legal contracts with external “third parties”?

We will be sending a novation letter to all stakeholders, to novate the existing contracts from ADA to DSG.

All terms and conditions, obligations, entitlements, of the existing contracts will remain unchanged.

Stakeholders will have to acknowledge the novation letter as written consent before 1st September 2021.


What are the changes which affect billing?

There is no change to the current billing process except the following:

  • With effect from 1st September, all quotations and invoices will have to be issued to Dementia Singapore Ltd.
  • For payment to DSG, a new bank account in the name of Dementia Singapore Ltd will be set up to receive payment.
  • For cheques issued to DSG, the payee’s name will be Dementia Singapore Ltd.


For more enquiries, please write to [email protected]

Bookmark our new website for more information about Dementia Singapore.

Is Dementia Singapore Ltd a Charity and IPC?

Just like ADA, DSG is a registered Charity and Institution of a Public Character (IPC). Hence, there would be no change to all our charitable objectives and activities.


Is there any change to the programmes and services that I have been supporting?

No. All the programmes and services that our beneficiaries have been enjoying at ADA remains unchanged. All DSG’s services and operations will continue at the same venues without any disruptions.


How do I donate to DSG during the transition?

ADA will continue to receive donations until 31st August 2021.

From 1st September 2021, donations should be addressed to Dementia Singapore Ltd.

For donations to DSG, a new bank account in the name of Dementia Singapore Ltd will be set up to receive payments from donors.

For donations via PayNow, a new QR Code for Dementia Singapore Ltd will be set up to receive payments from donors.

We will be sending an official communication to our donors once DSG receive our new Charity and IPC Status (now in the process of application).


What happens to my monthly donations to ADA via GIRO?

For those contributing donations via GIRO, a fundraising personnel will reach out and inform you of the changes, and to remind termination of GIRO payments to ADA from 1st September 2021. Once ready, we will provide the necessary forms for you to redirect your GIRO donations from ADA to DSG.


Do I still get to receive Tax Rebates?

By 31st August 2021, donations can continue to be sent to ADA. Outright donations are eligible for 2.5 times tax deduction. Please provide a valid and accurate NRIC/FIN or UEN for auto-inclusion in your tax assessment. If you require a digital receipt for your record, please email to [email protected].

From 1st September 2021, all donations should be addressed to Dementia Singapore Ltd. ADA would not be able to receive donations.

As ADA will relinquish its IPC status from 1st September 2021, we would not be able to provide “back-dated” tax deductions (i.e any donations given to ADA from 1st January 2021 to 31st August 2021 which require tax rebates must be issued latest on 31st August 2021).


For more enquiries, please write to [email protected]

Bookmark our new website for more information about Dementia Singapore.

What happens to my membership with ADA when we cutover to DSG?

While current members will continue to be members of the ADA, the society will become a shell entity (no transactions) from 1st September 2021 as all the assets will be transferred to Dementia Singapore Ltd (DSG).

DSG is a Company Limited by Guarantee so it does not have a “membership” structure, unlike ADA which is a Society.

We plan to dissolve ADA as a society after obtaining approval at the ADA Annual General Meeting in September 2021 and the completion of the final audit, which means that all current ADA memberships would cease accordingly.

All ADA members will continue to receive DSG’s bi-annual print newsletter Voice of Dementia, as well as our quarterly e-newsletter Voice of Dementia Online.


How can a current ADA Member continue to be a part of DSG?

From 1st September 2021, all existing ADA Members (Life and Ordinary) are invited to join the “Champions of DSG” programme.

Some members have indicated their interest to work with the DSG staff to brainstorm ideas on the Champions of DSG programme.

Champions of DSG do not need to pay subscriptions, attend AGMs nor vote. But they will receive similar benefits as when they were ADA members, including exclusive invitations to DSG events.


For more enquiries, please write to [email protected]

Bookmark our new website for more information about Dementia Singapore.

As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape. Make a contribution now.
As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape.
Make a contribution now.