World Alzheimer’s Month (WAM) is the international campaign by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) held every September to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia.
Bearing the overarching theme of ‘Empowerment’, WAM 2020 aims to empower and enable every person in Singapore’s dementia community, be it a person living with dementia, caregiver, relative, friend or ally. Check out the upcoming events below and join us for a time of empowerment!
3 Jul – 5 Sep
Dementia with Dignity: Celebrating Dementia
Virtual Photo Contest
Registration: Free
Join our photo contest with these simple steps:
- Register your interest here
- Take a picture of a person/object/item/place that relates positively with living with dementia
- Explain your picture in less than 200 words
- Submit the picture to us by 5 September 2020
Results will be released live on our Facebook page Dementia with Dignity on 21 September 2020. Find out more here.
1 – 21 Sep
ADA Walk2Remember 2020
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Join our virtual nationwide steps challenge and support the dementia journey of some 100,000 people living with dementia in Singapore and their families. The steps challenge will culminate in a finishing e-ceremony on World Alzheimer’s Day on 21 September. This event is supported by Cerecin.
3 Sep
Communications (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 9-10am
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
This session looks at the changes in communication that occur for the person with dementia. It provides information of the problems that come about from communication breakdown and offers some suggestions for achieving better communication.
5 Sep
FILM & Panel: Young-onset dementia & the impact on young caregivers
Time: 2pm-3.30pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Join us “LIVE” this World Alzheimer’s Month as we feature a total of four dementia short-films from the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival Short Film Youth Competition over two event dates. The event will also include a panel discussion on the topic of “Young-onset dementia & the impact on young caregivers”. Speakers include Stephen Chan, Head of Caregiver Support, Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA) and Ke Shih, 26, Caregiver to his mother with young-onset dementia.
The event is organised by Project We Forgot, Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF), The Breathe Movement and supported by the National Youth Council. Learn more here.
8 Sep
Recently Diagnosed (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 9-10am
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
This online education and support session is for people living with early stage dementia as well as for their family, friends and carers. It aims to provide information about dementia and support options and their care partners.
12 Sep
Exercise for Caregivers & Falls Prevention for Persons with dementia (by Sengkang General Hospital)
Time: 9.30am-10.30am
Registration: Free (sign up here)
In order to care for others, caregivers need to stay well too. Join our Physiotherapists to learn an exercise programme, which can be done at home to keep fit. In addition, learn ways to prevent your loved ones with dementia from falling.
Speakers: Evangeline Quek, Marilyn Chua and Pauline Mah, Physiotherapists
15 Sep
Understanding Dementia (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 11am-12pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
An introduction to dementia for family and carers. This session explains the types of dementia including the common signs and symptoms and the importance of diagnosis and early planning.
15 Sep
Let’s Get Talking About Dementia (by Emily Ong)
Time: 10am
Registration: Free
What is it like to live with dementia when you’re only in your fifties? This World Alzheimer’s Month, Emily Ong, a dementia advocate and person living with young onset dementia, will be sharing her personal experiences in a series of three talks in September over Facebook Messenger Room.
Like this Facebook page Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment & YOD for more details!
19 Sep
Managing Challenging Behaviours through Meaningful Activities & Structuring Routines (by Sengkang General Hospital)
Time: 9.30am-10.30am
Registration: Free (sign up here)
People with dementia may have difficulty expressing themselves. In this session, we will explore situations that can trigger challenging behaviours. Join us as we learn how to select and simplify activities, and plan a home-based routine to support your loved ones.
Speaker: Yap Jia En, Occupational Therapist
19 Sep
Grandma’s Kitchen – A LIVE cooking series by Persons with Dementia
Time: 10.30-11am
Registration: Free via Facebook Live
19 Sep
Mindfulness in Caregiving (by Sengkang General Hospital)
Time: 11am-12pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
In this session, learn the importance of being kind to one’s self and allocating time and energy for self-care, amidst our caregiving responsibilities. Also, learn some mindfulness techniques to stay well.
Speaker: Jacqueline Xu, Medical Social Worker
19 Sep
FILM & Panel: Dementia and the role grandchildren play in the circle of care
Time: 2pm-3.30pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Join us “LIVE” this World Alzheimer’s Month as we feature a total of four dementia short-films from the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival Short Film Youth Competition over two event dates. The event will also include a panel discussion on the topic of “Dementia and the role grandchildren play in the circle of care”. Speakers include Kelvin Lee, Manager, TOUCH Caregivers Support and Cheryl Tan, 21, who lived with her grandmother with dementia when she was 8 and now her grandfather.
The event is organised by Project We Forgot, Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF), The Breathe Movement and supported by the National Youth Council. Learn more here.
19 Sep
Creating Awareness and Challenging Stigma (by NUS EDEN Team)
Time: 3-4pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Titled “Creating Awareness and Challenging Stigma”, this free Zoom webinar helps interested people navigate dementia, the stigmas that come with it, and how to care for people with dementia during this challenging COVID-19 period.
21 Sep
Shedding Light & Opening Doors for People with Dementia & Their Families – A Medical Perspective (by The Chapal Malay Dementia Community)
Time: 8-9.15pm
Registration: Free (Send text message to register)
On World Alzheimer’s Day, join the inaugural session of a new dementia engagement lecture series by The Chapal Malay Dementia Community. Hear from Dr Radiah Salim, the founder and honorary president of Club H.E.A.L., who will be talking about dementia and its treatment and care.
To register, drop a WhatsApp text message to: 8399 9541
22 Sep
Let’s Get Talking About Dementia (by Emily Ong)
Time: 10am
Registration: Free
What is it like to live with dementia when you’re only in your fifties? This World Alzheimer’s Month, Emily Ong, a dementia advocate and person living with young onset dementia, will be sharing her personal experiences in a series of three talks in September over Facebook Messenger Room.
Like this Facebook page Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment & YOD for more details!
23 Sep
Recently Diagnosed (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 11am-12pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
This online education and support session is for people living with early stage dementia as well as for their family, friends and carers. It aims to provide information about dementia and support options and their care partners.
26 Sep
Eating Well While Staying Safe – Optimal Nutrition in a Time of Safe Distancing (by Sengkang General Hospital)
Time: 9.30am-10.30am
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Eat well, stress less! Want to minimise your trips out of the house to buy groceries and meals yet still provide nutritious food to your loved ones with dementia? Join our Dietician to learn tips on stocking up on healthy food, preparing easy and healthy meals, and choosing healthier takeaways.
Speaker: Jolynn Tan, Dietician
26 Sep
Coping with Swallowing and Communication Issues at Home
Time: 11am-12pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Join our speech therapists to understand more about swallowing and communication changes with the progression of dementia. Learn simple communication strategies and diet/fluid modifications on how best to support persons with dementia at home.
Speaker: Stacy Lum, Speech Therapist
26 Sep
Let’s Get Talking About Dementia (by Emily Ong)
Time: 10am
Registration: Free
What is it like to live with dementia when you’re only in your fifties? This World Alzheimer’s Month, Emily Ong, a dementia advocate and person living with young onset dementia, will be sharing her personal experiences in a series of three talks in September over Facebook Messenger Room.
Like this Facebook page Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment & YOD for more details!
29 Sep
Recently Diagnosed (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 11am-12pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
This online education and support session is for people living with early stage dementia as well as for their family, friends and carers. It aims to provide information about dementia and support options and their care partners.
21 Oct
Recently Diagnosed (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 3-4pm
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
This online education and support session is for people living with early stage dementia as well as for their family, friends and carers. It aims to provide information about dementia and support options and their care partners.
29 Oct
Understanding Behaviours (by Dementia Australia)
Time: 9-10am
Registration: Free (sign up here)
Dementia Australia invites you to register for our free webinars if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone diagnosed with dementia. This series is for individuals, family and carers only and excludes professional health care workers.
This webinar outlines common behaviour changes in a person with dementia, identifies some of the triggers for these behaviours and uses a problem solving approach to find practical ways of responding.