Dementia Social Club

Introduced on 1 November 2021, Dementia Social Club is a new care model that empowers caregivers, persons with dementia, including those with young onset dementia, to make contributions to the Club and community-at-large.


The Club provides a family approach for caregivers to participate in purposeful and meaningful activities with their loved ones. It is a social gathering place to receive skills training and peer support. As part of the Club, caregivers can build a support network, where they can develop self-care skills, forge supportive relationships with other caregivers and to organise or lead activities and events.



  • Create opportunities for caregivers, persons with dementia, and those with young onset dementia to participate in meaningful activities

  • Sharing of information and experiences among caregivers

  • Enable and support caregivers to reconnect with others and the community

Admission Criteria

  • Persons with dementia must attend with an accompanying caregiver
  • Persons with dementia (mild to moderate stage of dementia)
  • Diagnosis of dementia by a medical doctor (excludes persons diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment)
  • Admissions will be approved on a case-by-case basis


Programme Details

Fees: Complimentary
Duration: 2 hours per session
Venue: 298 Tiong Bahru Road, #10-05 Central Plaza, Singapore 168730

Available sessions:

Day / Time 10am – 12pm 2pm – 4pm
Monday Music & Movement Club
Tuesday Leisure Club ** Men Club
Wednesday * YoD Club Game Club
Thursday Reminiscence Club Doodle Club
Friday * YoD Club * YoD Club

* Only applicable to persons with dementia aged 65 years or below at the time of signing up
** Only applicable to males

If you are keen to sign up, please limit up to one session per week. This is to ensure that others can also benefit from this programme.

For further inquiries, please contact Centre Manager Sze Chi at 6389 5110 or Programme Executive Yoke Bin at 6389 5108 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Download the Referral Form for Dementia Social Club here.

Dementia Social Club is a CREST-CG programme funded by Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). For referral via IRMS, please select the category as Community Mental Health (CREST & COMIT) and indicate under ‘Remarks’ as CREST CG DSG (Tiong Bahru).

Refer to our Care Services booklet to have an overview of our services for caregivers, and persons with dementia.

As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape. Make a contribution now.
As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape.
Make a contribution now.