
Global Dementia Plan Adopted by WHO to Combat Growing Disease

Global Dementia Plan Adopted by WHO to Combat Growing Disease 1024 584 Dementia Singapore

A unanimous global plan on dementia was adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) at the 70th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva. The plan is the latest response to the current efforts deemed “unsustainable” by Paola Barbarino, CEO of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI).

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5 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s You Shouldn’t Ignore

5 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s You Shouldn’t Ignore 1024 681 Dementia Singapore

Knowing your enemy is half the battle won, and detecting the early signs and symptoms is an important step in dealing with the disease. Here are some common signs that may appear subtle but are worth taking note of.

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A cup of tea a day could help keep your mental health

A cup of tea a day could help keep your mental health 1000 667 Dementia Singapore

Recent research reveal a link between drinking tea on a consistent basis and the lower the risk of cognitive impairment by 50%, while the reduction can be as much as 86% for those who are genetically predisposed to developing Alzheimer’s.

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Seniors find success in dementia prevention programme

Seniors find success in dementia prevention programme 614 409 Dementia Singapore

The first community-based dementia prevention programme (DPP) in Singapore targeting at-risk elderly persons has reflected favourable results, with social connectedness and satisfaction of life the areas which has seen the most improvement.

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More singing please!

More singing please! 1024 855 Dementia Singapore

Ever wondered how it felt after singing as a group or during Christmas even if it was just one carol? Singing, it is said, is truly satisfying even when it’s mediocre.

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Young Onset Dementia on the rise in Singapore at an “alarming rate”

Young Onset Dementia on the rise in Singapore at an “alarming rate” 1024 681 Dementia Singapore

Singapore is facing a fast ageing population and with that comes a host of health problems including a rise in dementia cases. But according to the National Neuroscience Institute what’s more worrying is the alarming rate of younger people being diagnosed with the disease.

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Henry’s Story

Henry’s Story 1024 576 Dementia Singapore

Henry is 75-years-old. He was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s Disease in 2016. Despite his condition, Henry remains highly independent. A former church volunteer, taxi driver, and school janitor, among the many other jobs he held, Henry had not been engaged in gainful occupation and employment, since retiring two years ago.

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Greater Emphasis on Dementia in Singapore

Greater Emphasis on Dementia in Singapore 1024 576 Dementia Singapore

“The Republic has to find ways for dementia patients to remain in their home environment, said Ms Indranee Rajah, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Law in an interview with The Straits Times during her visit to the Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA). Ms Indranee commenced the visit on Wednesday, February 22, at the ADA Resource and Training Centre (ARTC), the training and consultancy arm of ADA.

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A dementia-safe haven: ways to make your home dementia-proof

A dementia-safe haven: ways to make your home dementia-proof 1000 658 Dementia Singapore

Home is where the heart is, as the saying goes, and this is especially pertinent to the lives of those living with dementia. For them, each new day sees them waking to a different environment where yesterday’s reassuring familiarity is replaced with today’s uncertainty. From the utensils in the drawer to their own reflection in the mirror, their inability to recognise the setting of their own abodes makes navigation around the house a huge challenge and, in some cases, even dangerous.

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Green fingers, colourful minds

Green fingers, colourful minds 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

Gardening has been shown to have significant health benefits. A moderate intensity exercise, it is also a great stress reliever with a positive effect on mental health. Horticulture soothes the mind and soul by letting persons with dementia interact with the great outdoors and with others, allowing them to become nurturers and boost their sense of self.

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A hike down memory lane

A hike down memory lane 1024 681 Dementia Singapore

A 500-strong group of hikers with a heart for the elderly hit the roads for a meaningful cause.Singapore would not be what it is today if not for the contributions of our pioneers throughout the past 50 years. To honour and thank them, the 50cube Hike was organised as more than 500 people signed up to do their part and give back to the elderly.

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“I want to care for her while I still can”

“I want to care for her while I still can” 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

For years, Mr Chua Joo Ee has been caring full-time for his mother, who is diagnosed with dementia. We follow his caregiving story and look at how he became an active volunteer with Alzheimer’s Disease Association’s (ADA) Caregiver Support Service.

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As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape. Make a contribution now.
As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape.
Make a contribution now.