On 15 November 2022, Dementia Singapore witnessed the 10th graduation ceremony of the Voices for Hope programme.
Held at 10 Square Orchard Central, it was a heart-warming sight to see families, friends, previous cohorts, and special guests gather to support the eight graduates from the 10th cohort of the Voices for Hope programme.
The event kicked off with a speech by Dementia Singapore CEO Jason Foo, followed by a sharing session by the graduates on their journeys since diagnosis. It was also extremely poignant to note that prior to diagnosis, all of them held significant career positions such as ‘Senior Property Officer’ and even ‘German Speaking Leading Steward’.
“Even though I was diagnosed with dementia in October 2021, now is the chance for me to restart everything. I am finding a way to recover my memory and experience in healthcare for 15 years, and be able to contribute back to the society,” shared Albert Sim, a person living with dementia and newly minted dementia self-advocate. Albert was a former Senior Eye Imaging Specialist.

Albert giving a personal sharing during the graduation ceremony.

Paul Heng, Board Member of Dementia Singapore, giving a token of appreciation to co-facilitators of the programme, Peter and Evon Estrop.
“It’s not about being the best, it’s about giving your best,” encouraged Peter Estrop, a person living with dementia who graduated from cohort 8 of Voices for Hope.
“I really enjoyed my time spent with friends in this programme. It is really nice to see everyone sharing parts of their lives with each other,” said Omar Jantan, who was diagnosed with cognitive impairment in 2016. He added that he is trying to do everything independently for as long as he can.
“With this programme, I’m happy to see some improvements in Omar through regular interactions with the other families. For myself, I have learnt how to manage expectations. When expectations are managed well, less tensions will be felt as we go along with this journey,” added Yasmine Tay, Omar’s wife.

Paul Heng and Emily Ong.
Voices for Hope co-facilitator and self-advocate, Emily Ong, also shared about the advocacy work that the graduates have already been doing.

(From left) Peter Ong, Manager, Caregiving and Community Mental Health Division, AIC, gifting a token of appreciation to Dwayne Loo, person living with dementia, and his sister, Loo Wei Ning, graduates of cohort 10.
The afternoon wrapped up with a sing-along session that got our graduates, corporate donors, and even our CEO up and dancing to familiar tunes!
To all our graduates of Voices for Hope cohort 10, your courage to live life to the fullest and to continue contributing to the society is an inspiration to all. We look forward to celebrating your advocacy milestones in the future!
About Voices for Hope
Voices for Hope is an empowerment programme that aims to bring persons with dementia and their care partners on a self-advocacy journey. Piloted in 2019, it is a 10-week programme that equips participants with relevant skills and fosters confidence in them to actively share their stories, needs and views publicly. The goal of Voices for Hope is to change societal attitudes, reduce the stigma of dementia and improve the landscape of how persons with dementia are perceived and supported. As of November 2022, 79 persons with dementia and their care partners have graduated from the programme, which is supported by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and Keppel. For more information, visit https://dementia.org.sg/voices/