
Leaving Footprints that Tell a Story

Leaving Footprints that Tell a Story 1024 768 Dementia Singapore

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Voices for Hope programme continues to coach persons with dementia and care partners, giving them a boost in their confidence as they actively contribute to the community through their stories and sentiments.

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Interests-based Activities Bring Respite And Cheer To Caregivers

Interests-based Activities Bring Respite And Cheer To Caregivers 1024 528 Dementia Singapore

As part of a new initiative to better support caregivers’ needs and well-being, in December 2020, ADA’s Caregiver Support Services launched a new programme under its umbrella – Caregiver Support & Network.

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Keeping the Spirit of Giving Alive

Keeping the Spirit of Giving Alive 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

Despite the gloom of the pandemic still shrouding the world in 2021, generous individuals and companies are doing their utmost to spread the spirit of social good and cheer to the dementia community.

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Dementia and Employment: Give us a chance to remain employed

Dementia and Employment: Give us a chance to remain employed 1024 528 Dementia Singapore

Dementia advocate Emily Ong asks for a fair chance for those living with dementia to remain employed.

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Journeying Together

Journeying Together 1024 479 Dementia Singapore

As the year comes to a close, ADA’s CEO Jason Foo looks back at the past year and shares what’s next for ADA in 2021.

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Giving a Voice to Those with Dementia

Giving a Voice to Those with Dementia 1024 532 Dementia Singapore

We are delighted to have Madam Rohani Bte Rahmat, care partner to her husband living with dementia, give her closing address at the #ADI2020 Global Conference. She shared her journey as a care partner who experienced initial denial and embarrassment of this condition, but subsequently grew to accept it through community support and our Voices for Hope programme.

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H.O.P.E Normalise Living with Dementia

H.O.P.E Normalise Living with Dementia 1024 532 Dementia Singapore

We are proud of Ms Emily Ong, dementia advocate in Singapore give her poignant thoughts as someone living with dementia at the recent #ADI2020 Global Conference. Read her speech as she shares about her diagnosis and her hopes for normalcy despite her condition.

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How A Dementia Journal Makes Caregiving Easier

How A Dementia Journal Makes Caregiving Easier 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

Consistently taking notes on dementia symptoms can help you feel more in control of your caregiving journey, and can also help you better understand your loved one’s needs.

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Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do 770 400 Dementia Singapore

In October 2020, ADA welcomed a new Head of Fundraising – Sherwan Sharip. With a background in media sales and a keen passion in social work, let’s hear from Sherwan about his goals for the social service sector in a post-COVID world, as well as what drives him in his work.

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Adapting For The Future

Adapting For The Future 1024 682 Dementia Singapore

As 2020 draws to a close, ADA prepares for dementia care in the ‘New Normal’ with three new programmes.

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The Faces of World Alzheimer’s Month 2020

The Faces of World Alzheimer’s Month 2020 1024 713 Dementia Singapore

Journey through 30 days of non-stop action and activities as ADA marked the month of September in a fully virtual awareness campaign.

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Adapting Daily Activities For Loved Ones With Dementia

Adapting Daily Activities For Loved Ones With Dementia 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

Enabling persons with dementia to carry out activities successfully can help bolster their confidence, and empower them to feel better able to maintain a level of independence.

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As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape. Make a contribution now.
As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape.
Make a contribution now.