
CARA Members on Vintage Radio SG’s ‘Weekend Warrior’ Show

CARA Members on Vintage Radio SG’s ‘Weekend Warrior’ Show 1024 461 Dementia Singapore

Tune in and be encouraged by CARA members, Alison Lim and Jamie Buitelaar , who are also dementia self-advocates and founders of Dementia & Co. as they face dementia.

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Free E-Learning Modules on Reminiscence Arts for Dementia

Free E-Learning Modules on Reminiscence Arts for Dementia 593 253 Dementia Singapore

Anyone who is keen on Reminiscence Arts facilitation with persons with dementia can now learn the basics for free.

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Enhancing Efforts to be a Dementia-Friendly and Inclusive Singapore

Enhancing Efforts to be a Dementia-Friendly and Inclusive Singapore 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

On 20 November 2022, the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) launched the national campaign, the #DementiaFriendlySG movement. The launch event received great support from individuals (including persons with dementia), corporate and community partners. To cement its commitment, a strategic partnership with Dementia Singapore was also formalised to spur collaborations and explore efforts to meet the needs of people with dementia and their families.

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Voices for Hope: Aspiring Dementia Self-Advocates

Voices for Hope: Aspiring Dementia Self-Advocates 1024 768 Dementia Singapore

On 15 November 2022, Dementia Singapore witnessed the 10th graduation ceremony of the Voices for Hope programme. It was a heartwarming sight to see families, friends, previous cohorts, and special guests gather to support the eight graduates from the 10th cohort of the Voices for Hope programme.

read more A Jeweller with a Purpose A Jeweller with a Purpose 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

For a third year running, local fine jewellery boutique MUS Zenith Affair ( ran a campaign to raise funds for Dementia Singapore and champion the dementia cause. With a total of $210,000 raised so far, has topped the previous years’ generous donations, proving that it is indeed a business with a heart of gold.

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“Find Your Way” at Chinatown MRT Station

“Find Your Way” at Chinatown MRT Station 1024 731 Dementia Singapore

Dementia Singapore and SBS Transit launched the “Find Your Way” initiative at Chinatown MRT, a collaboration to help persons with dementia navigate public transport spaces with greater ease and independence.

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Art with You: A Programme to Inspire and Uplift Families Impacted by Dementia

Art with You: A Programme to Inspire and Uplift Families Impacted by Dementia 1024 683 Dementia Singapore

After a two-year pilot study, National Gallery Singapore and Dementia Singapore launched ‘Art with You’ on 14 October 2022, for caregivers and their loved ones living with dementia!

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World Alzheimer’s Month 2022: Together, There is Hope

World Alzheimer’s Month 2022: Together, There is Hope 1024 565 Dementia Singapore

Dementia Singapore’s theme for World Alzheimer’s Month (WAM) 2022 was, “Together, there is Hope”.

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Leading by Example

Leading by Example 1024 584 Dementia Singapore

Mr R.S. Chandraajothi supervises two Dementia Singapore daycare centres, and oversees 30 care staff. Not many know that he was also the main caregiver to his mother with dementia for 10 years, which has allowed him to empathise with families impacted by the condition.

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New Resource for Ang Mo Kio Residents!

New Resource for Ang Mo Kio Residents! 1024 576 Dementia Singapore

The Community Living Resource (AMK edition) features a comprehensive listing of local amenities and services to help residents stay engaged and active or better look after family members with dementia.

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Five Iconic Landmarks to Light Up in Purple and Yellow on World Alzheimer’s Day

Five Iconic Landmarks to Light Up in Purple and Yellow on World Alzheimer’s Day 1024 768 Dementia Singapore

As we prepare for World Alzheimer’s Month in September, we aim to bring the nation together for a conversation about dementia, inspiring solidarity with the dementia community and creating hope for the future.

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Keppel supports Dementia Singapore with $1 million donation

Keppel supports Dementia Singapore with $1 million donation 1024 684 Dementia Singapore

In conjunction with World Alzheimer’s Month in September 2022, Keppel Corporation has, through its philanthropic arm, Keppel Care Foundation, pledged $1 million over the next three years to support Dementia Singapore, Singapore’s leading social service agency in specialised dementia care.

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As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape. Make a contribution now.
As a donor, you can make a difference to the dementia landscape.
Make a contribution now.